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Sweet Little Gosling Photograph by Teresa Wilson

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Comments (77)

Angela Whitehouse

Angela Whitehouse


Christopher James

Christopher James

One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #14 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.....L/F/Tw

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

So very cute Teresa, nominating for special feature in 1000 Views!...L/T

Christopher James

Christopher James

Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p

Lois Bryan

Lois Bryan

Sweet, sweet image, Teresa!!! l/f

Phyllis Taylor

Phyllis Taylor

Sweet image! Nice capture.

Brigitta Diaz

Brigitta Diaz

Very beautifully done! L/F/TW

Robert Bales

Robert Bales

Very cute and nicely done!! v/f/t

Mona Stut

Mona Stut

Cute, what a wonderful artwork Teresa

Linda Brody

Linda Brody


Phyllis Taylor

Phyllis Taylor

Sweet image! l/f/t

Sharon McConnell

Sharon McConnell

Beautiful work!

Joni Eskridge

Joni Eskridge

Just too cute, Teresa! Lovely soft reflection too.

Megan Martens

Megan Martens

So cute!

Arlane Crump

Arlane Crump

Great water image!

Carol R Montoya

Carol R Montoya

Oh, adorable! So beautiful and sweet!

Liesl Walsh

Liesl Walsh

Aww, very sweet! l/f

Mesa Teresita

Mesa Teresita

Sweet!! beautiful work!

Debbie Oppermann

Debbie Oppermann


Terry Davis

Terry Davis

Sweet, delightful, endearing!!

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

very cute!

Cynthia Guinn

Cynthia Guinn

Lovely image! l/f/fb

Anne Katzeff

Anne Katzeff

OMG I love this little guy! Congrats on 300 views! l/c

Jasna Dragun

Jasna Dragun

Revisit and share. g+

Meryl Goudey

Meryl Goudey

A floating snow ball!

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Sweet Little Gosling by Teresa Wilson
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